Gilly is the sole moon of Eve and the smallest moon in the Kerbol system. It has weakest gravitational pull of all the celestial bodies in KSP 2 but is thought to be rich in minerals.
Gilly is the smallest celestial body in the Kerbollar system. In fact it took years to officially discover because researchers mistook it for a crumb on their telescope lenses. Its gentle gravitational pull and lack of atmosphere often leads to objects bouncing off its surface and back into orbit around Eve. Please be cautious when taking brisk walks.
Gilly has a light brown rocky surface dotted with shiny blueish spots. Gilly's gravity is not strong enough to pull it into a round shape which explains its highly uniform lumpy shape and has earned it the nickname of \"space potato\". all data points toward Gilly being an ancient asteroid that was at some point captured into the gravity well of its much larger parent planet Eve. interestingly Gilly shows signs of being older than Eve. the deep ancient craters on its surface are evidence of its rough past before it became a moon. more recent smaller craters were likely created after it was captured by Eve presumably by small asteroids that got sucked into the planets large gravity well. the ancient craters appear weathered and have been worn down by the decades. all craters on Gilly appear to be simple wikipedia impact_crater#modification_and_collapse bowl-shape craters . the surface composition on Gilly varies from region to region but generally consists of rocky silicates and granites mixed with metallic materials like iron and nickel. patches of magnesium silicates can be found all around its surface. the ground is pretty firm in most regions but more loosely packed in the lowlands. the large builders scattered on the surface are thought to be fragments of ancient impactors. some of these builders put out trace amounts of radiation. Gilly shows no signs of being radioactive itself with only trace radiation originating from Kerbol's stellar winds found on its surface. because of its tiny size Gilly lacks an atmosphere magnetic field or geological activity. Gilly topography can best be described as hilly and inclined owning to its irregular shape. in spite of this it is generally pretty smooth even in the somewhat rougher highlands. the large craters on its surface have smoothed edges and their bottoms make up the lowlands. the only real challenge when landing on Gilly is making sure you don't accidentally sneeze and end up on a course out of its tiny wikipedia sphere_of_influence_ astrodynamics sphere of influence . ancient comet impacts ancient comet impacts ancient comet impacts the largest crater on Gilly is called the oblique impact site. it is the result of an impact by a primordial comet. the ground composition of the crater floor is nickel and magnesium silicates with traces of frozen carbon monoxide carbon dioxide methane ammonia and other organic and inorganic compounds likely originating from the impactor. it may have been an \'icy dirtbal\' comet meaning the majority of its composition was made up by rocks and metals rather than ice. the epicenter is located at approximately coords 23 74 . an interesting phenomenon on Gilly are the scattered pockets of grey-blue magnesium silicates. these silicates are present everywhere on the surface but highest in concentration in craters and the aforementioned pockets. despite there currently being no traces of water present in the soil the magnesium in these deposits indicates there may have been at some point in time. this has led to the theory that Gilly was struck by yet another more icy comet in the past that shattered upon impact. the epicenter of this supposed impact is located at coords -9 -112 . the extensive silicate fields to the south-east of this crater may have originated from the comet comet\'s wikipedia comet_tail tail . detailed analysis of samples from these deposits have revealed their composition to be made up of magnesium silicates serpentine pyroxine amphibole and olivine. this and the fact that the largest field of these silicates is on the opposite side of the oblique impact site are evidence that these are two unrelated impacts from different comets with different compositions. if this theory is true the impact that deposited magnesium silicates all over Gilly is likely more recent than the one that caused the formation of the oblique impact site. science regions science regions science regions Gilly has five surface regions lowlands midlands highlands oblique impact site and silicate fields. its parent planet Eve is one of the easiest places to reach from Kerbin . this combined with Gilly's low gravity - which makes it an easy place to land on - renders Gilly a good target for early game interplanetary science collection. The biggest challenge when it comes to reaching it is the high eccentricity and inclination of its orbit.
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Gilly has two discoverables precarious stack this surface feature consists of a plate-like formation with two holes in it and is entirely made up of iron nickel. it is located at the bottom of a crater. despite its weird shape and being slightly radioactive it is thought to be natural in origin. it may be a large chunk of ejecta left over from an ancient impact by a metal-rich asteroid. it is located at coords 28.7 -46.6 and was first discovered by the space peacock on the intercept games discord. tipping rock it is a large square builder balancing precariously on a pile of rubble. it looks like a small push could tip it over which is probably where it got its name from. it is made of solid granite and is most likely natural to Gilly. how it ended up in this position is unknown. it is located at coords 17.2 -43.3 and was first discovered by the space peacock on the intercept games discord.
Version history[edit]
- Added science regions.
- Added new discoverables.
- Terrain scatter updates.
- Initial release.