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(31, 'duna', ' gamelink infobox body file dunamapu82epng thumb 295x295px duna isu800 au800 small dry planet and the fourth planet inu800 the kerbol system kerbolar system and functions asu800 the mars analog. its orbital eccentricity and inclination are similar tou800 kerbin kerbin kerbin\'su800 making itu800 au800 relatively easy destination for interplanetary ships tou800 reach from kerbin. itu800 features au800 thin atmosphere and au800 relatively massive moons moon ike . synopsis synopsis synopsis \"duna the reddest planet has long been anu800 object ofu800 study and inspiration tou800 kerbal scientists and artists alike its thin low-pressure atmosphere allows for both aerobraking and relatively easy access tou800 its surface. kerbal researches and sci-fiu800 writers often discuss the discoveries that could beu800 waiting for them inu800 the planet planet\'su800 polar ice caps oru800 onu800 duna duna\'su800 tidally locked moon ike.\" surface surface surface duna has au800 desert-like reddish colored surface composed primarily ofu800 silicate rocks and sands covered byu800 au800 fine layer ofu800 dust upu800 tou800 au800 few millimeters thick. this dust layer isu800 theorized tou800 beu800 the result ofu800 dust storms. dunian soil contains nutrients such asu800 sodium potassium chloride and magnesium. the planet exhibits nou800 tectonic activity and isu800 believed tou800 beu800 geologically dead. evidence ofu800 past tectonic activity isu800 present however with volcanic basalt being quite common inu800 certain regions. surface features and exposed rocks show heavy signs ofu800 erosion byu800 wind aswell asu800 flowing water. this combined with au800 the suprising amount salt inu800 the ground indicates that duna duna\'su800 surface may once have held liquid water. duna duna\'su800 surface topography isu800 mostly flat with occasional mountains and dunes. various wikipedia impact_crater impact craters are spread out over its surface area. the majority ofu800 these are simple bowl-shaped craters with sparse wikipedia complex_crater#central-peak_craters center peak and wikipedia peak_ring peak ring formations. these craters are often eroded byu800 the elements and overall less pronounced than those onu800 atmosphereless celestial bodies. for anu800 unknown reason the northern hemisphere has significantly more impact craters. this may beu800 explained byu800 the impact ofu800 au800 comet that shattered before reaching the surface. polar ice caps polar ice caps polar ice caps the most northernmost and southernmost parts ofu800 duna duna\'su800 surface are covered byu800 polar ice caps. these ice caps start atu800 roughly 65u8c2b0 and -70u8c2b0 latitude respectively. they are estimated tou800 beu800 about 5u800 kilomers thick atu800 their deepest point and composed ofu800 water ice and snow with au800 thin top layer ofu800 frozen carbon dioxide and trace amounts ofu800 dust. the northern ice cap has au800 deep spiraling patern ofu800 troughs. these troughs are caused byu800 roughly perpendicular wikipedia katabatic_wind katabatic winds that spiral due tou800 the wikipedia coriolis_force coriolis effect . atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere duna has au800 thin cool atmosphere with au800 depth ofu800 50u800 000 meters. compared tou800 the atmosphere ofu800 kerbin duna duna\'su800 atmosphere has 1u800 15u800 thu800 the mass 1u800 15u800 thu800 the surface pressure and 1u800 9u800 thu800 the surface density. duna duna\'su800 atmosphere isu800 predominantly composed ofu800 carbon dioxide with au800 small fraction ofu800 nitrogen and argon asu800 well asu800 traces ofu800 oxygen carbon monoxide water methane and other gases. melting ofu800 snow inu800 the polar regions due tou800 seasonal temperature variations isu800 believed tou800 beu800 reponsible for duna duna\'su800 thin wispy clouds. these clouds are then carried toward the equator byu800 au800 polar wikipedia jet_stream jet stream . atmospheric flight atmospheric flight atmospheric flight the thickness ofu800 duna duna\'su800 atmosphere makes itu800 suitable for aerocapture from au800 high-speed interplanetary intercept. although parachutes will deploy onu800 duna the atmosphere isu800 sou800 thin that they are usually unable tou800 slow au800 craft tou800 au800 safe landing velocity and must beu800 assisted with engines. parachute performance can beu800 particularly troubling when attempting tou800 land inu800 the highland areas. below 5u800 000 meters duna duna\'su800 atmosphere isu800 thick enough tou800 allow wings tou800 generate enough lift for aerodynamic flight. jet engines will not work onu800 duna due tou800 au800 lack ofu800 oxygen inu800 the atmosphere but other propulsion methods work well. performing au800 horizontal landing with au800 plane isu800 also possible. magnetosphere magnetosphere magnetosphere duna has au800 weak magnetic field that that\'su800 about 2u800 the strength ofu800 kerbin \'su800. there isu800 evidence that duna once had au800 much more powerful magnetic field but itu800 weakened overtime asu800 its core cooled. science regions science regions science regions duna has 6u800 surface regions which makes itu800 one ofu800 the most region-rich bodies second only tou800 kerbin and laythe . itu800 isu800 anu800 ideal place for science collection for players who are embarking onu800 their first interplanetary journey. orbital situations orbital situations orbital situations class \"fandom-table\" science region altitude ranges science multiplier - high orbit 70u800 000 mu800 - 47u800 921 949u82e369738 mu800 16u800u82e0u800 - low orbit 50u800 000 mu800 - 70u800 000 mu800 24u800u82e0u800 - atmosphere 0u800 - 50u800 000 mu800 8u800u82e0u800 surface regions surface regions surface regions class \"fandom-table\" science region science multiplier - highlands 20u800u82e0u800 - midlands 20u800u82e0u800 - lowlands 20u800u82e0u800 - polar deserts 20u800u82e0u800 - north pole 20u800u82e0u800 - south pole 20u800u82e0u800 discoverables discoverables discoverables duna face itu800 there there\'su800 nothing here yet version history version history version history \"for science \" v0u800u82e2u800u82e0u800u82e0u800 * added science regions. v0u800u82e1u800u82e5u800u82e0u800 * updated atmospheric scattering. v0u800u82e1u800u82e2u800u82e0u800 * celestial body ground scatter updates. * height fog added. v0u800u82e1u800u82e0u800u82e0u800 * initial release. category planets category planets from ksp 1u800 category proofread '),