Mk1-3 "Gumball"

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Mk1-3 "Gumball"
Three Seat Command Pod
Mass2.603 t
Max Temp850 K
Impact Tolerance15.0 m/s
Monopropellant0.12 t
Electric Charge (U)150 U
Stores Research
Command Module
Crew Required1
Reaction Wheel
Pitch (kN)
Roll (kN)
Yaw (kN)
Resources Required (EC/s)0.541
Data Transmitter
Range (Mm)200
Rate (KiB/s)0.7
Resources Required (U/s)NUM
Science Experiment
ExperimentCrew Observation
Reports CreateSamples ✔
Data ✗
Report Size5 KiB
RequirementsAll situations and locations
Crew Required1
Kerlington Model Rockets and Paper Products Inc.

Mk1-3 "Gumball" is a three-seater command pod with a conic design made to be placed on top of a rocket. It is generally used for when the "Tin Can" just isn't doing it for you size-wise and you want that much more aerodynamic stability on your rocket. It is relatively universal in it design opportunities so feel free to fly Bill in whatever craft you may think of with this part.

This part is unlocked in the very first node in Tier 2 of the Tech Tree: Medium Orbital Rockets

The design features two placement nodes, the (generally) bottom one being aMD radial size and the top node being aSM radial size


The Mk1-3 "Gumball" can contain three Kerbals. Like any other command pod, it features a conical and aerodynamic shape and is designed to be placed at the top of a rocket or any other craft to reduce drag and provide for a more efficient launch vehicle design that takes up less dV. Along with the fact that this capsule has a strong reaction wheel and is capable of RCS maneuvers, the "Gumball" is also quite stable during reentry due to it's shape and therefore lives up to be quite an effective return vehicle.

Although this capsule is relatively heavy compared to the smaller variations it has a superior battery and monopropellant storage capacity, almost three times the amounts. Paired with the additional crew capacity, the uses become numerous.

This capsule is most advised with things like Apollo style missions, in which a separate vehicle is involved and you need more Kerbals (or probes) to control the ship. It is also recommended for interplanetary missions as it provides a bigger fuel base to build and fly off of and a lesser chance your entire rocket will fall over upon landing on a celestial body. Generally, when paired with a RE-L10 "Poodle", a X-200-64 fuel tank, and a SP-XL "Gigantor", it makes for a very good transfer design and, with some simple landing legs placed on, you've got yourself a very decent lander.


"The rounded shape of this Mk1-3 "Gumball" may remind Jeb of his favorite snack, but this is no softy. It is equipped with a sizable battery and monopropellant storage. It boasts a powerful reaction wheel capable of stabilizing even large craft."


  • The design of the "Gumball" is most likely inspired by the Apollo capsule, which featured a very similar conical design, along with a similar window pattern and hatch shape. The interior is different however.


  • Initial release